
Does Facebook Recruitment Advertising work?

I've just been reading a rather startling account of how many advertisements on Facebook are run by advertising networks simply looking to scam facebook users. The article is written by an insider who designed many of these scams, and shows a fairly lax approach to facebook policing this. You can read this article here.

We've presented our online recruitment training sessions to almost 300 direct recruiters so far this year, and not one of them has reported using Facebook advertising as a means of recruiting staff. Is anyone out there using it for recruitment? If not, why not? Is it simply a matter of major brands not wanting to have their adverts run along side the slightly seedier adverts, or do recruitment adverts simply not work on Facebook? Google seems to have a reasonable number of direct recruiters placing google adword adverts. I am yet to see any direct recruiters looking for staff on Facebook.

Other Options

There are still other ways to recruit staff via Facebook. The most productive being to build a group or profile page to promote your vacancies and let everyone know what it is like to work in your organisation.

The Future

In the article I mentioned earlier, Dennis Yu does paint a somewhat rosier picture for Facebook advertising in the future. He explains that once the major brands start to heavily advertise on the facebook network (and many of them are there already), then the spammers and con artists will be squeezed out by the rise in advertising prices. Personally, I think it is a little lame for Facebook to wait for market forces to resolve this issue, but the future for Facebook advertising could be bright. So make sure you stay up to date on this issue.

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