
Linkedin Opens Up Their Platform

Linkedin has just announced they are opening up their platform for developers to integrate their applications with Linkedin. This is the model that Twitter adopted from the very start and is probably the biggest single factor in explaining their extraordinary growth. So not unsurprising that the other big players in the social networking space have sat up and taken notice.

Tweetdeck is one of the first applications to take advantage of this new development. But you can expect the floodgates to open. Although networks such as facebook have a much larger community of members, marketeers will be far more interested in being able to influence and market to the linkedin membership.

Whilst this is all very exciting, there are some key questions that spring to mind. Will the opening of the network to outside developers mean that marketeers and recruiters find a way to "spam" their messages to large groups? Up until now the use and pricing of inmails has made the network largely free of spam whilst still being reasonably priced.

Will we see federated CV search applications that allow recruiters to search the Linkedin network whilst also searching their own internal talent pool/cv database? Bullhorn and Broadbean already have applications that search multiple databases at once.

One thing that will definitely happen, your average linkedin member will undoubtedly see more approaches from recruiters on the hunt for passive candidates. If you are not recruiting on Linkedin you need to start NOW.

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