
Latest Improvements to our Advert Optimisation

We've blogged previously about the importance of choosing the right job title for your advert, and nobody takes more care or researches this more thoroughly than our resource team at Easy Web. To give you a quick example, you might think that placing an advert for a customer advisor to work in a contact centre is perfectly sound, but by changing the title to Customer Service and referring to a call centre rather than contact centre you will increase potential traffic by a massive amount

Our attitude to job boards has always been one of maximum (worthwhile) coverage, and now we're bringing the optimisation of our adverts in line with that. Because we run 4 week long campaigns we're able to vary the keywords we use across those 4 weeks, capturing traffic from not just the most popular search terms, but also those terms that are slightly less popular.

In yesterday's post, I talked about how introducing more emotive, exciting terms can make your adverts titles STAND OUT and more appealing. The negative side to these titles is their poor optimisation. Throughout our four week campaigns we will now be utilising both STAND OUT and standard job titles where we deem them suitable. This should help ensure that we are appealing to all parts of the market and attracting the most relevant candidates.

We've also made other improvements to the way we structure our adverts, some of which we'd like to keep close to our chest, but one I will share with you is the repetition of the keyword based title at the beginning of the article. What difference does that make I hear you ask? On most job boards, not a great deal, but on one major job board in particular, it's a heavily weighted factor in their search algorithm, highlighting again the need for a bit of extra research before you post your advert.

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