
Linkedin Vacancy Distribution - Posting Jobs in Linkedin Groups for FREE

This is the second in a series of posts about distributing your vacancies throughout Linkedin. The final post in this series will be tomorrow when I will show you how to have your vacancies automatically feed into your Linkedin Profile. If you are interested in this subject matter, I run a free weekly webinar on recruiting via Linkedin.

When you join Linkedin you have the option to search for and join relevant groups. Usually centered around specific industries or skill-sets, these groups can be an excellent way to tap into a large population of both active and passive candidates.

Some examples of Linkedin groups...

Linked:HR (#1 Human Resources Group)

  • Created: September 19, 2007
  • Type: Networking Group
  • Access: This group is open to everyone
  • Members: 272,754


  • Created: June 13, 2008
  • Type: Professional Group
  • Members: 23,677

Most groups have an open door policy, but it's worth checking out any you'd like to join thoroughly beforehand. You should also pay particular attention to your Group Settings, when you sign up. You want probably want to make sure that group members are able to contact you directly, people who see your advert might apply online if you add a link, but in my experience they will probably reach out and send you a message to check out their profile and give them a call. So you must leave the door open for them to message you. I generally set my group settings so that I do not receive announcements and updates on discussions (see image below).

The Jobs Tab

Linkedin now allows group administrators to add an area to each group where group members can post jobs for free. I cannot be 100% on the origin of this idea but it probably came about by the high number of jobs being posted as discussions within Linkedin groups. Not all groups will carry a jobs section, it's down to the preference of each group's administrator, but if they do then it's the ideal way to post your vacancy, and another opportunity to use the bit.ly links discussed in yesterdays post.

Predicting Success

Posting a job within a group is very simple, see the example below.

However you might want to research the potential of your groups to perform on your roles. This is done by searching for people but focusing it on one group at a time. Imagine you recruit sales professionals within the IT industry for UK based roles, you might have joined some of the largest IT, Sales and IT Sales groups on linkedin. You can search within these groups after you have joined them to get some ideas of how many relevant sales professionals within the UK are members of these groups. It is not always the best groups that deliver the most relevant people.

So my advice in summary is:
a) Join lots of groups that you think might be relevant (you can join up to 50).
b) Once you are a member do a people search of members of each group and determine whether each group is worth staying a member of.

c) Produce a hit list of your top groups and always post your jobs in them.

d) Monitor the Bit.ly metrics to confirm that your audience is paying attention and track any applicants that apply via this medium.

Posting a job within a group does not take long, which is good as you will probably not be overloaded with enquiries. Similar to your status update, it's a strategy where you have to play the long game to get the results.

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