
Glassdoor.com - Employees & Interviewees Anonymously Rate Your Organisation

Almost the end of the January and my first post of the year, oh dear. Got some ground to make up so expect to see some more posts soon. First I thought I would share Glassdoor with you. The site gives employees a free inside look at 70,000 firms. you can access anonymous reports by people who have (or at least claim to have) been interviewed or worked for these organisations.

There reviews are tend to be posted by fair minded professional types and companies could also use this as a good way to gain some feedback on the salaries, interview process and organisation in general.

However, there are some less professional reviews, this one is my favourite so far based on Somerfield. This is a cracking quote from one former employee "Pros: 10% discount straight from the off on all items in store apart from cigarettes. I was late a lot and they barely noticed (this could also be a con).". Advice to senior mgt "Quit.". Hardly sounds like the ideal employee.

If you are a inhouse recruiter reading this you might be a little worried. However, social media has a habit of promoting the great and exposing the weak. So if you have a great company culture and your staff love the company. Send them an email and ask them to add some feedback.

There are not too many UK reviews so for some profiles one review will be the only review a new employee would see. Best to get in early. If you can get some good reviews then make sure you add a link to your profile on your careers page and into your interview pack so new employees see them.